
Retina is a thin layer of tissue that lines the back of the eye on the inside. It is located near the optic nerve. The function of retina is to receive light that the lens has focused, convert the light into neural signals, and send these signals on to the brain for visual recognition. Vitreous is clear, jelly-like substance that fills the middle of the eye. Also called the vitreous humor. It maintains the structural integrity of the eyeball.

When should I see an eye doctor ?

There are few warning signs for retina related pathologies /diseases. It’s important to pay attention to any changes in your vision and seek immediate medical attention if you suddenly have floaters, flashes or reduced vision/distorted vision. Risk factors should be kept in mind. Aging, having diabetes or other diseases, eye trauma, and a family history of retinal diseases are few of them.

Common Retinal Diseases

  • Diabetic Retinopathy: Patients with diabetes in time tend to have changes in their blood vessels(capillaries) which initially leak blood and fluid into the retinal layers, causing swelling and latter may develop new vessels which are so fragile that they easily bleed into the vitreous cavity, causing sudden loss of vision.
  • Retinopathy of Prematurity: It affects premature/ preterm and low birth babies or even term babies with associated systemic conditions. It is a blinding disease and needs major awareness. All such babies should be screened for any ROP changes and the paediatrician should make sure that it is done before the discharge of the baby from the hospital.
  • Retinal detachment: A retinal detachment is caused by the presence of fluid under the retina, which usually is secondary to a retinal break. There may also be other causes of RD (exudative retinal detachments and tractional retinal detachments). It’s often accompanied by the sudden onset of symptoms such as floaters and flashing lights and sudden defective vision.
  • Macular degeneration: Centre of the eye which inhabitats the best vision begins to deteriorate. There are two types — wet macular degeneration and dry macular degeneration. Dry form is more commom than wet but dry form can progress to wet forms.
  • Vascular occlusive disease: Retinal arteries and veins can get occluded due to various systemic diseases. This occlusion can cause bleeding and swelling in the eye which in turn causes sudden defective vision. Vision loss in central artery occlusions is usually permanent if treatment is delayed.
  • Epiretinal membrane: Epiretinal membrane is a delicate tissue-like scar or membrane that looks like crinkled cellophane lying on top of the retina. This membrane pulls up on the retina, which distorts your vision. Objects may appear blurred or crooked.

Advanced equipment available

  • Fundus camera: for detailed viewing and documentation of retinal images
  • Optical coherence tomography (OCT): to evaluate retinal thickness in cases of edema, to detect macular holes, tumours, retinal detachment, epiretinal membrane and various other retinal diseases
  • Ultrasound B scan: to view intraocular structures in opaque media and trauma
  • Fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA): to view leaking vessels, neovascularization and non perfused areas of the retina.
  • Indocyanine green angiography: to view choroidal circulation
  • Electro-physiogram (eletro-retinogram, electro-oculogram): to graphically represent functional capacity of the retinal cells.
  • Visually evoked potential: used to measure electrical activity of visual system to detect mechanical and neural abnormalities related to vision.
  • Pediatric wide field camera: Advanced high resolution imaging technology for consistency of reports to detect retinopathy of prematurity, detailed evaluation without long exposure of newborns to the examination procedure and documentation. Highly trained personal available for the use of such advanced technology.

Treatment available

Various medical and surgical treatments are available for the above mentioned conditions. Complicated vitreo-retinal surgeries are performed successfully everyday. Various types of lasers and intravitreal injections are also available.

Various lasers are used to stabilise retinal diseases like diabetic retinopathy, vascular diseases, tumours, retinopathy of prematurity and many more. These are delivered either with the help of a slit lamp or by indirect ophthalmoscope. Diode, frequency doubled Nd:Yag laser, argon laser, subthreshold micropluse laser are available.

Transpupillary thermotherapy is used in tumours to damage the abnormally growing vessels while causing minimal trauma to normal retina

Intravitreal injections

Intravitreal anti-VEGF injections are used to treat conditions in which there is growth of new abnormal leaky vessels due to underlying disease which has caused ischaemia of the retina. It can also be used in cases of macula edema. Intravitreal steroids can also be used to effectively treat macular edema. Intravitreal antibiotics are used to treat grave ocular infections to effectively deliver these drugs into the eyeball.

Pars plana vitrectomy with silicon oil or gas injection, core vitrectomy, epiretinal membrane peeling, macular hole surgery, scleral buckling and intraocular foreign body removal are performed regularly in H. V. Desai eye hospital. Modern day surgeries use smaller size trocar/ cannula systems like 23G, 25G and 27G. These help in better wound reconstruction and healing and avoid post- operative infections. All the vitreous-retinal surgeries in H. V. Desai Eye Hospital are performed by highly educated skilled surgeons who have years of valuable experience in this field.