Paediatric Ophthalmology – Vision Therapy, Myopia clinic

Vision impairment in childhood has a dramatic impact not only on the social development of a child, but also on his/her learning ability and potential. As certain serious eye disorders produce no early warning symptoms, it becomes all the more necessary to know when to get your child evaluated by a qualified professional.

The paediatric ophthalmology services offered at H. V. Desai Eye Hospital, are dedicated to provide comprehensive ophthalmic care to children and teenagers, aged below 16 years. The provision of these services is aimed at ensuring that no child becomes blind, and to provide equal rights to children suffering from low vision as well as increased accessibility to all the possible medical services to enable them to play an active role in society.

The paediatric ophthalmology services offered at the hospital provide treatment for all types of vision-related problems in children, some of which are listed below:

  • Refractive error
  • Amblyopia (Lazy eye)
  • Paediatric cataract
  • Paediatric squint
  • Nystagmus
  • Low vision
  • Ocular trauma

In addition to the above-mentioned issues, the paediatric ophthalmology department, in collaboration with the retina department, takes an active part in screening and visually rehabilitating kids suffering from Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP).

With the Glaucoma and Oculoplasty Department, common childhood problems such as paediatric glaucoma and oculoplasty disorders (nasolacrimal duct obstruction, ptosis, blepharophimosis, etc.) are also treated here. In addition, the Strabismology services offered by this department provide treatment to adult patients suffering from double vision and paralytic squint.

This department examines and treats around 10,100 patients each year, which include the surgical treatment of around 1,500 children per year. The paediatric department has screened and examined about 1.5 -2 lakh and Surgery 9, 90,000 children till date. This department is also actively involved in school screening in  Pune and Satara districts to help in the earliest possible detection of ophthalmic conditions among children. This community outreach and Tele-ophthalmology program helps paediatric.

Recently we have also established a Myopia clinic to provide comprehensive checkup, detailed evaluation and all treatment options (Medication, Spectacles, Contact Lenses and life style changes) after detailed counselling for the young children and their parents.

HVD team to submit more information and many pictures to be included on this webpage later.