Hospital Consultancy, Mentoring & Capacity Building Services
Programme Consulting for Capacity building supported by Seva Foundation, Berkeley, California since 2016.
PBMA’s H. V. Desai Eye Hospital is mentoring eye hospitals across India, guiding them over a structured process with clearly defined goals.
The process includes onsite visits by PBMA’s H V Desai Eye Hospital’s consultancy team, conduct workshops to develop strategies and action planning followed by skill development training as required to achieve the set goals.
The goal of the collective project is to scale up comprehensive quality eye care services through capacity building, resulting in a direct increase in restored sight of people across India, keeping in mind quality as a prime concern.
Consultancy/Mentoring Process:
Consultants from PBMA’s H V Desai Eye Hospital will visit the hospital to understand the socio-cultural and economic context, leadership structure and operations. Short-term suggestions for performance improvement will be offered, though the focus of the visit will be on understanding the long-term capacity needs, constraints, training needs, and quality standards.
Onsite Strategic Planning Workshop:
A capacity building workshop will be organised by the mentoring team from PBMA’s H V Desai Eye Hospital. The team will guide through a structure process to recognize the magnitude of unmet eye care needs in the community, their own potential and set goals for the hospital. The goals will guide coming up with specific strategies broken down to action plans.
Off-site Monitoring, Follow-up and Support also will be given for specific skill development, provision hospital management and other software, etc.
Monitoring Visit for Performance review and action plan Follow-up support could take place between 3 months to 1 year from the date of the workshop.
We mentor the following eye hospitals for capacity building and quality care through Seva Foundation, Berkeley, California, United States.
- Tejas Eye Hospital, Divyajyoti Trust, Mandvi, Gujarat
- Rotary Eye Hospital, Navsari, Gujarat
- Bajera Eye Hospital BPA, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
- Drashti Netralaya, Dahod, Gujarat
- F C Ajmera Rotary Eye Hospital, Osmanabad, Maharashtra
- Tulsi Eye Hospital, Nashik, Maharashtra
- M M Joshi Eye Hospital, Hubli, Karnataka
- Sankar Foundation, Vishakapattnam
- Pushpagiri Eye Hospital, Vizianagaram
NABH Consultancy Services::
PBMA’s H. V. Desai Eye Hospital also provides NABH Consulting Services
Please contact us for mentoring services for capacity building and quality norms for eye hospitals. Hospitals not having FCRA mentoring will be done by expert team of PBMA’s H. V. Desai Eye Hospital on financial terms.