PBMA’s H.V. Desai Eye Bank started in 2005 has now moved on from mere an eye collection center to a “State of The Art” Eye Bank which is providing corneal tissues to various other Eye Banks / Eye surgeons in and around Pune and Maharashtra.
At the inception HVDEB collected just 56 corneal tissues in 2005 to currently 678 tissues in 2022. We have collected 11108 corneas till July 2023 and used 6343 corneas for transplants and today has become the highest individual cornea collection and utilization center in Maharashtra. Both Voluntary calls and HCRP (Hospital Based Cornea Retrieval program) are running parallel. Besides this we also have been running the “rural eye banking” program in Pune, Satara and Ahmednagar district. We have trained more than 25 eye bank technicians and Grief Counselors from various institute from Maharashtra, Gujrat and Madhya Pradesh.