Inauguration of Regional Training Center on Patient Communication at PBMA's HV Desai Eye Hospital, Hadapsar, Pune

IACLE India members meeting took place on September 16 and 17, 2023, at the H.V. Desai Eye Hospital of the PBMA in Pune, India. The India members meeting featured 40 participants from 23 institutions across India. There was a decent mix of new and seasoned members at the meeting. The meeting was attended by FIACLE Khemraj Nackwal, FIACLE Mamta Joshi, and Nehal Sharma from Bausch + Lomb. FIACLE Isha Dave represented Menicon, while Saadiya Khan attended on behalf of Johnson & Johnson Vision Care.

The meeting was kicked off on Day 1 by Lakshmi Shinde, Executive Manager of Global Education, and Nilesh Thite, Executive Manager of Educational Programmes, who also established the meeting's goals. Mumtaz Qazi from FIACLE presented "How to Teach Presbyopic CL Fitting". Mumtaz described how students persuade college officials to volunteer and recruit their parents as patients for multifocal trials. "Application of technology and social media in CL teaching" was the topic of Ashwini Lokesh's talk. She talked about how students are encouraged to submit compelling instances via What’s App and Instagram, which are then publicized with faculty assistance. Isha Dave from FIACLE spoke about "How to Teach Discomfort and Dry Eye." Educating "Dry.

A summary of the Day 1 sessions was given before the start of the Day 2 meeting. The presentation on the different IACLETOP resources that members can access (ICLC2020, Case Reports, Flashcards, Videos, and Images on the IACLE Image Library) was followed by a talk by Lakshmi Shinde. Lakshmi Shinde and Kavitha Jayanna provided instructions for setting up the student area and the student trial exam on the IACLETOP platform. The next session featured participants from the 4th World Congress (WC4) of IACLE, who offered their experiences on a range of subjects. On "Learning from the World Congress 4- Mobile Technology," Madhumathi Subramanian. Atanu Samanta spoke on "Learning from the World Congress 4- Using PowerPoint"; Nirav Mehta spoke on "Learning from the World Congress".

In her session titled "Preparing for Fellowship Exam," Lakshmi Shinde elaborated on what to anticipate in the upcoming fellowship examination. IACLE's Executive Manager of Educational Development. Professor Craig Woods, gave a live virtual discussion about "Assessing students' skills" to start the meeting's last session. A panel discussion on the same subject followed the talk. The IACLE team expressed gratitude to Mahadev Shegunashi, College of Optometry, and PBMA's H.V Desai Eye Hospital for organizing the IACLE India Members Meeting. The meeting's presenters were then presented with IACLE Certificates of Attendance.